for Children, Families and teachers
The American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association, a non-profit professional educational and advocacy organization in its 100th year,
has DETAILED, evidence based information for a diverse set of audiences in multiple languages:
on prevention, recipes, healthy diet choices, exercise, age appropriate activities, how to avoid or quit unhealthy habits like smoking or vaping, and information about various heart conditions.
“ Life’s Essential Eight,” is an AHA program to support education for “ improving and maintaining cardiovascular health.” Learn More at
The American Heart Association
Comprehensive resources on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, research and advocacy on heart disease, and stroke in adults and children.
The AHA "Kids Programs" is a new section focused on activities for families, schools, children and communities which includes prevention activities.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation
"The Alliance was founded by the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation (with the) goal to create systemic change... not isolated to one home, or community, to one school, industry, or state... to create healthy changes that build upon one another and create a system, a nation, that makes the healthy choice the easy choice. First, we set our sights on schools. It’s where kids spend most of their time outside the home. " The Healthy Schools Program began " in 2006 and launched in 231 schools in 13 states. The Healthy Schools Program has since grown to become the nation’s most extensive effort to prevent childhood obesity in schools and is now building healthier school environments for more than 18 million students in more than 31,000 schools in every state and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico."
Coalition for Tobacco Free Kids
"The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is a leading force in the fight to reduce tobacco use and its deadly toll in the United States and around the world. Our vision: A future free of the death and disease caused by tobacco. We work to save lives by advocating for public policies that prevent kids from smoking, help smokers quit and protect everyone from secondhand smoke."
The MILLION HEARTS Campaign: The Million Hearts Campaign is focused primarily on adult cardiovascular disease. Below is the description provided by their website introduction.
"About Million Hearts®
Heart disease and stroke are the first and fourth leading causes of death in the United States. Every 43 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack, many of them fatal. On average, one American dies from stroke every 4 minutes.
Million Hearts® is a national initiative with an ambitious goal to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes by 2017. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services co-lead the initiative on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Download the Million Hearts® fact sheet
[PDF-178K] "
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC has a number of health information resources for schools and families on their website. They can be Prevention or Disease related and are clearly written for the public if searched in the section for the public.
(Non-professional information may be found mainly by looking under the “alphabetical by disease or condition section.”)
The CDC BAM! Body and Mind Program contains modules with materials for teachers (or families) to use in K-8 grades on topics including: nutrition, exercise and physical education, not smoking or vaping, school connectedness and other mental health topics, and STEM education.
The USDA has a number of information sheets and videos for families and teachers on healthy nutritions choices including :